HARD-LINE acquired by Hexagon
HARD-LINE will bolster Hexagon’s safety and automation offerings with its tele-remote technology
Hexagon’s Mining division today announced the acquisition of Canadian company HARD-LINE. The global leader in mine automation and production optimization specializes in remote control solutions and network infrastructure. These allow for tele-remote operation of heavy machinery from a safe area on the surface or underground, regardless of distance.
The acquisition will enhance the business’ life-of-mine technology stack. In particular, it’s set to complement Hexagon’s HxGN Underground Mining, HxGN Autonomous Mining, and its award-winning HxGN MineProtect offerings. The portfolios realize a life-of-mine vision, autonomously managing vehicle traffic, improving fleet situation awareness and introducing drill automation while protecting drivers, pedestrians and equipment in the most demanding environments.
HARD-LINE’s solutions will provide support through remote controls via electronic and hydraulic by-wire technologies, requisite for achieving full mine autonomy. Furthermore, the company believes in an interoperable, OEM-independent system for mining automation. This will improve safety and productivity, which are critical to bringing autonomous technology to the wider mining industry.
Nick Hare, President of Hexagon’s mining division, stated:
“The pressure to remove humans from dangerous situations where it’s unsafe to operate a manned vehicle is increasing, particularly as mines push deeper underground for minerals and metals. We recognize that remote control is a key enabler of the autonomy required to answer this need, which is one of many reasons we’re so delighted to welcome HARD-LINE to the Hexagon family.”
President of HARD-LINE, Walter Siggelkow, added:
“With Hexagon’s expertise and our internationally recognized technology – this acquisition really benefits both companies and customers in many ways. While HARD-LINE solutions have positively changed how critical mining tasks are accomplished underground by our customers over decades, the geographical footprint achievable with Hexagon will only increase our impact towards safer mines through autonomous processes.”